Friday 23 September 2016

Questions Answered About Business Administration Degrees and Schools

Questions Answered About Business Administration Degrees and Schools

Find answers to common questions about business administration programs.

What schools are available? Can I go to school online?

You’re in luck! There are many nonprofit and for-profit traditional schools that offer business administration degree programs. From business administration in accounting to public administration or project management, you can find programs by degree-level or location. If you’re interested in the convenience of an online program, you’ll also be pleased. Associate’s degrees, which will allow for entry-level careers such as office administration, bachelor’s, master’s, MBAs and DBAs, are all available in the online format. We can help you find an accredited online school.

What careers can I pursue with a business administration degree?

A business administration degree is dynamic and flexible and you can choose from any number of areas in which to pursue a career:
  • Accounting
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Finance
  • Health care
  • Hospitality management
  • Human resources
  • Information technology
  • Leadership
  • Management
  • Marketing
  • Public administration
  • Project management
Learn about your career options.

What degree programs will I take?

An associate’s degree in business administration prepares graduates to begin or advance their careers in the business world. Generally, course work for a business administration associate’s degree covers the fundamentals of business, management, critical thinking, project planning and implementation, business software and communication.
Course work for a bachelor’s of business administration covers management principles and practices such as the following:
  • Organizational leadership
  • People management
  • Strategic planning
  • Business-oriented computer applications
Students can also expect their program to include an introduction to core business subjects like accountingfinance, information technology and marketing.
An MBA degree equips graduates with the practical skills and business expertise to hold advanced leadership positions across industries. Open to students from a wide range of academic backgrounds, MBA degree programs typically include comprehensive training in management theory and application, technology and communication.
Read about degrees and curriculum here.

What can I expect after I submit a request for information to a school?

First, you’ll need to make sure you fill out the form correctly. For example, if your completed education level is high school graduate, you would need to complete a bachelor’s program before applying to a master’s degree program. So if you enter “high school graduate” and request master’s degree information, your request may fail. Be sure to request information for the correct level of education you plan to pursue.
Once you’ve selected the schools you’re interested in and submitted your information, you’ll receive a thank you from the schools you chose. You’ll be contacted by these schools either by email or telephone. The advisors who call you will ask you about the programs you’re interested in, when you would like to start school, and talk about financial aid options, among other things. Feel free to ask questions!

How do I apply for financial aid?

Financial aid is available from a variety of sources. Government financial aid is the most common, but before you can be considered for aid, you’ll need to fill out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Other types of financial aid include scholarships, grants, private loans and PLUS loans.

How does the admissions process work?

Different schools work in different ways. But you’ll need to be aware of dates and schedules, and make sure your forms and fees are sent in and paid on time. All schools have an admissions office with advisors who can help, so be sure to use their services.

What are some tips for success in my education program?

You’ll need to be the right personality fit to enter the field of business administration, so it’s important to learn whether this is the career for you before you jump into the time and expense of a school program. If you’re tech-savvy, are highly organized, goal-oriented and an enterprising team player, this might be the field for you.
U.S. News and World Report offers four top tips for adults going back to school:
  1. Use financial aid resources
  2. Carefully plan your study time
  3. Interact with other adult students
  4. Set some time aside for yourself
For adults considering online degree programs, suggests these handy tips:
  1. Understand the time commitment involved in online education
  2. Create a work space that is conducive to learning
  3. Make a daily routine; Study at the same time every day
  4. Analyze your time-wasting tendencies
  5. Use online tools for better time management
  6. Prioritize work to avoid procrastinating. Try tackling harder subjects first.
  7. Schedule study time around your professors’ online office hours
  8. Take notes, participate and speak freely in classes
  9. Find an online study-buddy in your program
  10. Ask a friend or family member to volunteer as the “learning police”
  11. Know your goals: take your online education and yourself seriously

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