Saturday 24 September 2016

Dyadic Communication

Dyadic Communication

1.   The term ‘Dyadic communication’, in general refers to an interaction between two persons.

2.   Even if two persons are present in a situation, it is only two communicators that play a fundamental role.

3.   It is a person to person transaction and one of the commonest forms of speech communications.

4.   It provides an ideal condition for close range continuous feedback.

5.   The meaning exchanged between the sender and the receiver is marked by high fidelilty

6.   High fidelity means a high degree of faithfulness to the original.

7.   There is a frequent change of role of participants and body language acquires a greater significance.

8.   This is so because the minutest reactions are mutually observable.

9.   The formal dyadic communication with which we are concerned demands artistry that can be acquired through practice.

Dyadic communication may take a number of forms such as:

·       Face to face conversation
·       Telephone conversation
·       Interview
·       Instruction
·       Dictation

But we shall study only:

Telephone conversation and face to face communication.


1.          Conversation is the most common form of dyadic communication.
2.          It links people together, be it social or professional.
3.          Conversation may be defined as oral and usually informal or friendly exchange of views, ideas, etc.
4.          In a conversation a participant has to play the role of a speaker or a listener interchangeably.
5.          Very often we form an impression about an individual from the way he talks and the topic(s) on which he converses.
6.          Most of us find it easy to converse with our friends, relatives and colleagues whom we like or trust.
7.          Since every professional is required to participate in this form of dyadic communication let us briefly look at some of the important points to be borne in mind.
8.          However, the rule that ‘the best practice for conversation is conversation itself’, still holds good.
9.          It is useful first to analyze your own conversation habits and then try to change them for greater effectiveness.
10.    Ask yourself questions such as the following for self-analysis:

a)          Do I find it difficult to start a conversation?
b)         Am I unable to pick a topic?
c)          Am I unable to keep the conversation flowing smoothly?
d)         Do I always agree with what others say or disagree with them all the time?
e)          Do I frequently talk about myself, my family or my interests?
f)           Have I a tendency to dominate every conversation situation?
g)         Do I give the other participants a chance to speak?
h)         Have I any mannerisms like to annoy people?
i)            Do I respect other people’s time and interest?
j)            Am I self-conscious about the language I use – grammar, pronunciation, articulation etc.

The answers that you get would prove useful both for formal and informal conversation.

The following are some useful tips:

Ø   The conversation should be of interest to the participant and may begin with a topic in which both of you have some interest.  As it flows into new channels adjust yourself to the comments and new points of view.  Occasionally there would be spells of silence.  These need not bother you because often during these spells new thoughts are generated.
Ø   Be alert to the attitudes that others may have and don’t be surprised when you realize that the attitudes are likely to change.
Ø   Occasionally, call the person by name and look at him while speaking.  If you speak the name aloud you would be generating a more friendly feeling.  To cap it all, take care of your language and oral manner.
Ø   Be always courteous and cheerful.  Feel interested in what is being said.
Ø   Being rigid and argumentative may spoil your conversation, but it is useful to have a point of view.
Ø   Avoid pet and superfluous words and phrases.  Often we develop a fancy for a particular expression.  An analysis of your own speech may reveal that you have a fad for certain words or phrases (e.g. ‘time frame’, ‘allergic’)
Ø   Avoid using them frequently in conversation.
Ø   Similarly expression that smack affectation and exaggeration should be avoided.
The smooth flow of conversation is likely to be hampered if you deliberately use foreign words or use high-flown vocabulary to impress the listener.  An overuse of words such as ‘very lovely, ‘wonderful’, ‘excellent’ may also mar the pleasant informal atmosphere in which conversation ought to take place

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